We have the honour of sending ten of the UK’s best floor sanding professionals to Lägler’s very own headquarters near Stuttgart, Germany. Winners of the Fly & Sand competition will have a chance to meet, greet and learn from the creators of the best floor sanding technology on the market. The group will spend three days in Güglingen, with food, flights and accommodation paid for.
What Costs Are Covered?
- Direct flight from Heathrow to Stuttgart, Germany
- Transportation while in Germany
- Hotel accommodations while in Germany
- All meals while in Germany
- Premium Sanding Technology (PST®) training at Lägler HQ
This is a unique experience to get to know more about the engineering and design behind the world’s best floor sanding machines and witness first-hand the incredible level of quality and precision that goes into building every single Lägler sanding machine. You’ll also have a great time working alongside and sharing ideas with other floor sanding professionals as you develop your sanding skills with the Lägler team.
28th June - Saturday
- 18:35 - Flight to Stuttgart
- 21:10 - Arrive in Stuttgart
29th June - Sunday
- Breakfast in hotel
- 11:00 - Pick-up from hotel, trip to Heidelberg
- 12:30 - Free Leisure time in Heidelberg, *self-catering
- 17:30 - Return
- 19:00 - Dinner Adler, Botenheim - https://adlerbotenheim.de
- 23:00 - Return to hotel
30th June - Monday
- 08:00 - Pick-up from hotel
- 08:15 - Lägler factory tour
- 09:00 - Machines demo
- 12:00 - Lunch
- 13:00 - PST - Theory
- 15:00 - Wine tour in vineyards
- 19:00 - Dinner in Zinser's Flämmle - https://www.zinsersflaemmle.de
- 23:00 - Return to hotel
1st July - Tuesday
- 08:00 - Pick-up from hotel
- 08:15 - PST - Practice
- 12:00 - Lunch at Lägler
- 13:00 - PST - Practice
- 17:00 - Transport to Stuttgart airport
- 21:05 - Return flight to London Heathrow
Self-catering - you will be responsible for your own costs (local currency is Euro)
- In Heidelberg - in most places you will be able to pay with card (Mastercard or Visa)